【軟體名稱】:NetWorx 5.0.3_免安裝
【檔案大小】:1.16 MB
NetWorx–免安裝的網路流量監測軟體,即時監測上傳及下載所使用的頻寬,可以統計每日、每星期、每月的總頻寬用量,輕巧好用、免安裝、免Microsoft .NET Framework。
到底網路忙不忙碌你怎麼知道?需要即時知道目前網路忙碌的狀態有軟體輔助最方便囉!NetWorx 是一套可以即時觀看網路流量的工具,用顏色可以區別出上傳或是下載的流量,網路的忙碌狀態馬上就清楚明白囉!
Changes in NetWorx 5.0.3 (2009-09-01):
* Added drop-down month list in custom reports to quickly access monthly usage.
* Added import of DU Meter Backup files (*.sqbackup) and NetMeter files (*.csv) under the Restore button in the usage report.
* Added IP address manager to exclude custom networks as local traffic.
* Short-term notifications now can apply in a wider range. Now 'more' conditions trigger even if they occur before time elapses
* Playing a windows sound when quota overused message shown.
* Some fixes related to sleep and hibernation issues when the Ignore LAN option was turned on.
* Volume unit multiplier made customisable (1000 or 1024 bytes per KB).Homepage - http://www.softperfect.com/products/networx/
NetWorx 5.0.3_免安裝
NetWorx 5.0.3_免安裝
- Sep 19 Sat 2009 10:56
[網路工具] NetWorx 5.0.3_網路流量監測軟體_免安裝