軟件名稱:惡魔之痕 DEMONS' SCORE
兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 4.3 以上
一款由 SQUARE ENIX 創新的音樂動作類遊戲,遊戲採用虛幻 3 引擎開發,本作號稱音樂與戰鬥相融合的全新節奏型動作遊戲,全 3D 高清製作將帶來爽快的戰鬥體驗。而遊戲主人公是少女塞裡尼提,為了尋找失蹤的父親,小姑娘毅然決然的進入父親的研究所,卻在意外情況下發現了有惡魔之力依附的神秘道具惡魔之痕,機緣巧合之下。我們的主角只能抵禦不斷來襲的魔物,繼續尋找他苦命父親的探險之旅了。
■ Game Features
. Break beat action in which you battle demons in time to the rhythm.
. Stunning graphics driven by the Unreal Engine.
. Thrilling battle scenes and a story that sucks you in.
. Fierce battles with boss demons, all portrayed using dramatic camerawork.
. Once you complete a stage in Story mode, you can purchase the powers of boss demons that you defeated.
. You can change the demon powers Serenity controls by having different demons possess her.
. Having different demons possess Serenity expands gameplay and battle scenes.
. Serenity's costumes change according to the demon that is possessing her.
. Abilities, voices, and special attacks vary by the possessing demon.
. Satan's (US$9.99) difficulty level soared up!
With severe survival conditions, you can enjoy the game even more stoically.
. Helpful items are also available in case you get stuck.
. Enjoy two game modes: Story Mode and Free Mode.
. Select the difficulty level you want to play. Easy, Normal, and Hard are available, but to enjoy the entire story, you have to... (You'll just have play to find out!)
. Your scores in Free Mode can be sent to the online rankings at the Game Center.
. Saved data can be synced with iCloud.
* Your Soul Eaters (a special item) are not stored on iCloud.
* You must be running iOS 5.0 or later to use iCloud.
版本 1.0.2 中的新功能
Changes have been made to the App Store screenshots.
- Feb 04 Mon 2013 18:48
[iPhone/iTouch/iPad] 惡魔之痕 DEMONS' SCORE v1.0.2