軟件名稱:Sky Guide: View Stars Night or Day - 星空嚮導
系統要求:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 6.0 以上
一款天文觀星軟件,操作極其簡單,用戶只需將 iPhone/iPad 指向一個方向,軟件便會顯示該方向一個非常美麗的星圖。軟件由超過 37,000 張的高清照片組成,不是一般天文軟件可比。此外,用戶還可以根據周邊的光線,調節程式的亮度,以得到最舒適的效果。
. Elegant and simple: Unobtrusive controls and gestures free up the screen for the best sky view yet.
. Rich content: Loads of stunning Retina-quality graphics and original artwork.
. Soundscape: Designed by Mat Jarvis, the most highly featured composer in the award-winning soundtrack for the game Osmos. Stars have sounds based on their temperature and size.
. Useful anywhere: Works with or without a GPS or data signal. Built-in access to hundreds of articles no matter where you are.
. HDR brightness gestures: Dynamically control how bright the sky is to match your surroundings.
. Red night mode: Preserve your dark-adapted eyesight.
. Compatible with iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S; iPad 2, 3rd gen, 4th gen; and iPod Touch, 4th and 5th gen. Sky Guide requires a gyroscope, so it doesn't work with iPad 1 or iPhone 3GS and earlier.
官方鏈接: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id576588894?mt=8
鏈接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fvmge 密碼:f14x
- Oct 21 Mon 2013 18:49
[iPhone/iTouch/iPad] Sky Guide: View Stars Night or Day v2.1 - 星空嚮導