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【軟體名稱】:Autodesk Mudbox 2009
【下載載點】:BaDonGo [90天]


Mudbox 是一個可以直接在高面數模型上,使用筆刷工具雕刻模型的建模軟體

Mudbox 是由藝術家所設計,最能符合藝術家的需求。引進最新的想法,結合接近雕塑的概念,能滿足數位雕塑工作者的需求。

透過友善的介面、一致的結構,Mudbox 能輕鬆的學習與使用,並與既有的生產線結合。數位藝術家們可以輕易的將模型製作的工作轉換到 Mudbox 上。


    * 友善的介面,可輕易的學習
    * 真實的 3D 攝影機能提供 perspective 與 orthographic 視角。可建立、輸入與刪除多個攝影機設定.
    * 最大化的工作區域,並支援軌跡球控制
    * 支援多重物件。可建立或輸入多個模型、攝影機、燈光與材質,並具有管理功能可控制顯示、隱藏、鎖定、細分等等。
    * 完整的支援三角與多邊形,可以自由的在三角、四角、多邊形模型上進行雕刻與 bake 的動作。Mudbox 能保留模型的結構資料與 vertex IDs。
    * 建立新的 "Pick" 功能,可結合熱鍵,提供最好的物件管理操作流程。
    * 內建影像瀏覽工具,可快速的瀏覽與指定 stamp、stencils、camera image plane 等功能所需要的圖檔。完整支援 16/32 bit。
    * 創新的串流技術,可發揮硬體極限,能幫助你建立與管理超過百萬面的場景。
    * Nodes。節點式的觀念結構,符合未來發展潮流。
    * NEW!Select XYZ RGB Material Maps for scrubbing high quality real world detail into your mesh. XYZ RGB has leveraged its widely respected scanning service to generate maps from real world scans, providing a quality of data that blows away texture maps that are photographically derived. For non-Mudbox artists, these maps can cost up to US$69 each. More Info.

3D Layers

    * The industry's first true production-tested 3D layers. Bringing PhotoshopR layer concepts to 3D. Store different detail passes, diverse design directions or libraries of morph targets on multiple layers, blending them with multiplier sliders and layer masks. Sculpt nondestructively using layers and layer masks.
    * Selective symmetry. Mirror or flip the detail stored on one or more layers.
    * Masking. Paintable mask for non-destructive editing.
    * Layer Management. Duplicate, merge, flatten, group and reorder layers.

Advanced Sculpting

    * Fast high quality brushing in 3D (no projection) on dense models. With Mudbox's new Scratch brush, sculpt at any speed without blobby stamping. The phrase "knife through butter" comes to mind. (see video -->)
    * Brush tip control and precision. Accurately shape the brush tip with falloff curves and stamps. A sharp falloff curve will cut an accurate and sharp stroke into the geometry -- no more soft stroke profiles.
    * 3D Brush Stamps. Stamp image detail directly into the mesh using 3D brush stamps.
    * EW "tangent space" symmetry. Sculpt symmetrically on asymmetrical models! This Mudbox first, provides a time-saving and production-tested technique for working efficiently on posed or asymmetrical models.
    * Travel inside and through the mesh with your camera and sculpt from any direction and from any distance.
    * Stencils. Easily and quickly position stencil images in the 3D View over the model and scrub detail into the mesh.
    * Flatten brush. Control your surface in a new way, create planes, and quickly scrub out detail with Mudbox's fully featured Flatten brush. Especially vital for use on hard surface models.
    * Curves. Create and use curves to sculpt controlled and precise forms. The curves act as railings for your brush strokes.

Multiresolution Editing

    * Full multiresolution editing for creating, managing and sculpting on multiple resolutions of your mesh. Detail sculpted on higher levels of resolution is transferred to lower levels and vice versa.
    * Innovative level streaming technology increases the resolution a mesh can be subdivided -- even on ordinary 32 bit machines.
    * Fully integrated local subdivision lets you subdivide selected areas of your mesh to levels unimaginable with traditional full mesh subdivision. Access levels of resolution for areas of your mesh that would require full mesh subdivision of over a billion faces! Simply select an area of the model, subdivide it, and step up and down between levels independent from the rest of the mesh! Subdivide where you want, when you want, and as much as you need

Texture Baking

    * Supports baking between multiple arbitrary meshes. Bake high quality normal and displacement maps between multiple arbitrary meshes.
    * Bake detail into 8, 16, and 32 bit maps.
    * Eliminate faceting with subd to subd extraction.
    * Displace meshes with multiple floating point maps.


    * New Speed Review mode for high quality display at blazing speed, without multi-threading. (see videos -->) [please note the effect of the screen capturing software in these demos]
    * New Draft render mode dramatically increases interactivity when navigating scenes with dense meshes. Unlike other solutions, Mudbox Draft rendering works just as great with meshes that have no level history, such as imported dense scan geometry.
    * Smooth normal shading assists while working with coarser meshes by reducing faceting and offering a display more representative of the limit surface, which can help sculptors get more out of fewer polygons.
    * Multiple Texture Display. Sculpt with multiple image maps on one object, and assign different textures to different objects and organize them with materials.



    創作者 紫蓮の翼 的頭像


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