通過使用 VPN 連接經由全世界志願者提供的公共 VPN 服務器獲得自由訪問互聯網。繞過您的本地故障防火牆的數據包攔截,並安全地隱藏你的 IP 地址。安全加密的 Wi-Fi 信號。當你通過互聯網發送信息時,保護您的隱私。
今日起,VPN Gate 官方提供每日鏡像列表通知郵件,每8小時發送一次。
VPN Gate Daily Mirror URLs Mail Subscription Started!
(following Chinese texts are automatically translated.)
You can receive the latest Mirror URLs of VPN Gate web site on your PC and smartphone every day.
每天,您可以接收鏡像站點的最新列表,智能手機或 PC 上。
Are you behind the Government's Firewall which is under something unknown error to disturb your access to this http://www.vpngate.net/ web site?
你在背後政府的防火牆,這是一些未知的錯誤,打擾您訪問的網頁 http://www.vpngate.net/嗎?
If so, VPN Gate Daily Mirror URLs Mail helps you.
如果是這樣,"VPN Gate 每日鏡像站點郵件訂閱" 可以幫助你。
After you subscribe the VPN Gate Daily Mirror URLs Mail, the VPN Gate mailing server will send you e-mails with mirror URLs of VPN Gate periodically.
你訂閱的網頁後,VG郵件發送服務器會向您發送電子郵件。一個電子郵件的 鏡像站點的最新列表。定期發送郵件。
* Three e-mails a day / 每天三封郵件
We sent you the latest mirror URLs by e-mail, for three times a day. After you subscribe it, the first mail will be sent to you immediately. After that you will receive the latest mirrors URL per approximately 8 hours.
我們通過電子郵件發送給您最新的鏡像網址,每日 3 次。你訂閱之後,第一封郵件將發送到您。之後,您將收到最新的鏡子網址,每約 8 小時。
* Subscribe
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- Mar 19 Tue 2013 18:56
[代理伺服器]VPN Gate - 公共 VPN 中繼服務器列表