【軟體名稱】:Total Commander V7.50 Beta 6_綠色版
【檔案大小】:2.34 MB
功能強大的全能檔案管理器(簡稱 TC)。支援隨意自訂的功能表、工具列、快捷鍵,給您最大的自由,打造個性 TC。一般的檔案操作,如搜尋、複製、移動、改名、刪除等功能應有盡有,更有檔案內容比較、同步資料夾、批量重新命名檔案、分割合併檔案、建立/檢查檔案校驗 (MD5/SFV) 等實用功能。內建 ZIP/TAR/GZ/TGZ 格式的壓縮/解壓功能,ZIP 格式還支援建立加密及自解壓縮功能。此外,不僅可以直接開啟(解開) ARJ/CAB/RAR/LZH/ACE/UC2 等壓縮包,配合附加元件(外掛程式)或相應的壓縮程式,更可建立這些格式的壓縮包,就像建立和開啟資料夾一樣簡單。而搜尋功能,無論是檔案還是內容,同樣支援在這些壓縮包中進行!
25.06.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 6
25.06.09 Fixed: Lister started via /S=L switch: The exception dialog didn't show the stack trace
25.06.09 Fixed: External quick search with tcmatch.dll: Options from MatchGetSetOptions were only applied to second call of MatchFileW
24.06.09 Fixed: Installer: When installing to c:\somedir, also TC copies started from c:\somedir2 were closed
24.06.09 Fixed: Cursor on file in left panel, while right panel shows a CAB file which does NOT contain that file, choose "Compare by content" -> entire CAB was unpacked to TEMP
24.06.09 Fixed: Prevent strange characters from appearing in command line also when user presses just Alt+ one of these: Arrow keys, PageUp/Down, Home, End
24.06.09 Fixed: Keyboard hotkeys in dialog boxes not always working with internal English texts (no language file)
Homepage - http://www.ghisler.com/
Total Commander V7.50 Beta 6_綠色版
Total Commander V7.50 Beta 6_綠色版
- Jun 27 Sat 2009 18:06
[檔案相關]Total Commander V7.50 Beta 6_功能強大的全能文件管理器_綠色版