【軟件名稱】:Windows 遠程桌面 iTap mobile RDP
【適合系統】:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 3.0 以上
一款遠程控制軟件,使用這款桌面引擎,您可以訪問巨大的台式機。 Windows 桌面的聲音會自動播放你的觸摸聲。其獨特的範圍模式可以讓你的鼠標鍵方便地拖放,達到精確控制的能力,目前該軟件支持主流的遠程系統,並且具備許多特別的優點,用戶使用就能體會出該軟件更多優越的特色。
+ Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate
+ Windows Vista Business, Ultimate and Enterprise
+ Windows XP Professional
+ Windows XP Media Center 2005
+ Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2(console and terminal server)
+ Windows Small Business Server 2003, 2008 and 2011
+ Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2(console and terminal server)
+ Windows Server 2000
+ Support for RemoteFX!
+ Support for TS Gateway (RDP from Anywhere). iTap RDP client is the only RDP client on the iPhone to support this!
+ Support for NLA (Network Level Authentication) and TLS security methods. iTap RDP is the only iPhone client to support this!
+ Support for NSCodec (fast 32bit bitmap codec).
+ Support for Leostream Connection Broker. iTap RDP client is the only RDP client on the iPhone to support this!
+ Support for Sychron OnDemand. iTap RDP client is the only RDP client on the iPhone to support this!
+ Native resolution support on iPad and iPhone 4(S).
+ Copy and Paste support (text only)
+ Support for external Video connectors (Full HD with iPad 2 and HDMI)
+ Fast app switching on iOS 4.
+ 60% less bandwidth than any other RDP client on the iPhone. This means twice the speed over slow networks!
+ Huge Desktops. Up to the Windows limit of 4096x2048 pixels.
+ Sound support. Stream sound from Windows directly to your phone.
+ Built-in support wizard.
+ Unique scope mode for precise control of your remote desktop!
+ Three different mouse input modes
+ Automatic bandwidth reduction on 3G networks
+ Automatic reconnect without needing to enter passwords
+ Highest security (including NLA and FIPS compliant security protocols)
+ Full international keyboard support
+ Fully gesture based for maximum screenspace
+ Compression and Bitmap Cache for reduced bandwidth
+ 8, 15, 16, 24 and 32bit color modes
+ Console sessions (Windows Terminal Server only)
+ Remote Program support (start programs automatically on login)
版本 1.8.2 中的新功能
+ Can no longer show passwords of stored credentials
+ Intertia mode can be completely turned off now
+ Keyboard fixes
+ Proxy is not used by default for normal connections
- Feb 13 Mon 2012 19:23
[iPhone/iTouch/iPad] Windows 遠程桌面 iTap mobile RDP v1.8.2