軟件名稱:Comic Zeal Comic Reader - 漫畫閱讀器
兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 4.3 以上
一款優秀的漫畫閱讀器,能夠快速從 iTunes 導入漫畫,甚至從 cbz, cbr, rar 和 zip 等壓縮包中直接解壓出漫畫。
- Organize your comics by series, don't look through hundreds to find the one you want.
- Show you large covers, they'll tell you more than a title.
- Make it easy to move between issues when reading, you'll go through a few in a sitting.
- Reliably zoom in on content, not show you the same borders page after page.
- Be smart about what to show you when you rotate the device, many comics have a mixture of portrait and landscape pages.
- Load big images fast, you don't want to spend five seconds waiting for a page to load.
- Load your comics using USB, wifi or even cloud services like Drop Box.
網盤下載:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=718949509&uk=1144452130 密碼:99gn
- Sep 11 Wed 2013 20:47
[iPhone/iTouch/iPad] Comic Zeal Comic Reader - 漫畫閱讀器 v5.2.6